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Paediatric & Teenage Pelvic Health 

Children and teens can experience a range of frustrating pelvic symptoms that can greatly impact their confidence and quality of life. Oftentimes we are told they will ‘grow out of it’, however this watch and wait idea can lead to years of unnecessary distress and impact their emotional wellbeing and social development.

We support children, teens and their families from 4 years of age onwards to problem solve and conquer a variety of continence and pelvic health concerns such as:


  • Daytime wetting

  • Daytime urinary frequency

  • Bedwetting

  • Soiling

  • Constipation

  • Struggles with toilet training

  • Pain with toileting, genital pain, functional abdominal pain 

  • Sports related bladder leakage (common in high impact sports such as gymnastics, sprinting, trampolining, soccer)

  • Low back/pelvic/groin pain (including tail bone pain)

  • Pain secondary to endometriosis and other internal pelvic conditions

  • Pain around the vulva (common symptoms are avoiding wearing tight clothes)

How do we assess kids and teenagers? 

We provide a non-invasive 1-hour assessment to get a comprehensive picture of your child / teen’s story. Assessment tools are varied and can include hands on assessment of the thorax, low back, abdomen and external pelvis, breathing mechanics, real time ultrasound over the abdomen to visualise the bladder, rectum and pelvic floor, bladder and bowel diaries, symptom questionnaires, and assessment of other lifestyle factors that could be contributing to the child’s symptoms. Occasionally a visual check of the perineum may be indicated, depending on the child’s characteristics and consent. 


Before the appointment: 

We encourage you to tell your child about the appointment to allow them time to get used to the idea. Many kids feel embarrassed at first and may not like the idea of talking about their pelvic health. However in most cases they will engage better in the assessment if they are prepared. Looking together at the pictures of the clinic here on the website and what the session may involve can help kids feel more comfortable. 

What does treatment involve? 

We provide education on the contributing factors to the child or teen’s presentation, and collaborate on treatment goals and a treatment plan. Treatment may include:

  • Manual therapy

  • Specific exercises

  • Instruction on bladder and bowel daily routines

  • Real time ultrasound or EMG biofeedback to train optimal relaxation of the pelvic floor

  • Breathing, mindfulness and relaxation practices

  • Referrals to other health professionals if indicated. 

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Which of our Physio's treat kids and teens? 

Felicity de Blic treats children from 4yrs upwards, and our teenagers with higher needs and accepts both self-funded and plan managed NDIS clients.  


All our other Physio's treat teenagers from 13yrs upwards for continence issues related to sport, and for low back, pelvic and groin pain issues . 


At Beaches Pelvic Physio we treat all aspects of the pelvis both internal and external,

together with associated areas of the body.  


We work closely with many Specialists, Therapists and Trainers including: GP’s; Integrative GP's; Sports Physicians; Gynaecologists; Obstetricians; Urologists; Urogynaecologists; Gastroenterologists; Colorectal Surgeons; Nutritionists; Naturopaths; Massage Therapists; Exercise Physiologists; Personal Trainers; Yoga & Pilates Instructors, to achieve the best results for you.


If you are unsure about anything, please don't hesitate to call us on: 0435 150136 or 02 8964 5579.

Alternatively you can email us at: 

or via the contact form


For online bookings:

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